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Throwing Sharp Objects

written by ashley marsh

We started the extravaganza at Dueling Axes Columbus ( That was so cool! We got 12 hyperenergized folks together to drink beer and throw sharp objects. AMAZING! No really though this place is pretty neat!

The first few throws are about the most awkward feeling action ever. Then at some point, maybe by the second beer, it just starts to click. This is where things got serious. You see, we have some majorly competitive folks on this team. We had the option of two games to play 1) Is kind of like cornhole. You throw the ax at the wall and hit numbers around a bulls-eye. First to 21 without bonking wins. This went pretty well. Each lane had a few players and everyone was getting along just fine and well.

2) Is a little different. Each person throws the ax five times for one round then again for round two. The values change a little in round two but the person with the most points after both rounds wins. Again, we started to notice a few ringers at this point, but everyone was getting along just fine.

Then we decided to make up our own rules to include the entire team into one game. The rules of the MHG version go as follows… Three lanes with the team evenly split up. Each lane is working to get to 100 before the other lanes. You can imagine how this goes…Actually let me paint you the picture.

The first round went pretty well. Team 3 won because we discovered that they have like 3 ringers and the teams are stacked. OK so we can all move through this there is no way that they can keep that up right? Round two goes a little similar. Everyone is nicely taking their turns and team 3 wins again. The next round – and I do believe evenly matched rounds of beers starts. This is when things get going. Team 1 has a certain competitive individual who decided that his team needed to move a little faster than everyone else in order to get more points. Makes sense in theory.

The problem occurs when said individual is now running with a sharp object back and forth throughout the lane to get his throws in quicker. Ok we are all laughing and its all good. Again, team 3 wins. Are you stinking kidding me at this point.

Round 4. A certain individual is completely choking now. He thinks he is a ringer but he went one round with only 1 point. No mind you I went one whole round with a whopping 0 points – Yes folks 5 throws not one sticking. HURT EGO! So now said person from team 2 is also running back and forth and desperately trying to rally the team. Team 3 wins yet again.

I don’t even know how many rounds later within this last hour of play but I do believe rounds of beer matched – Last Round – all three lanes are desperately trying to get to 100. The problem – SLOP. The ax is flying off of the target all over the place. We are all hysterically laughing at each-other and can’t focus. And … Team 3 wins again. They took the entire night. SO MAD!

We had the best time! I highly recommend it for any team building session or if you are just looking for a great night out. It’s awesome because we got to experience a totally new activity, together, in our town. Check them out! I included pics of the event below. We will talk about dinner and dancing in the next post! Please share if you have any good ax throwing stories!!

The 5 Grossest Things Existing in Your Office

written by ashley marsh

So everyone has a list of things in life that they “Just Can’t” with right? The things that just gross you out to absolutely no end. The things so obscure to other people but life ending to you. But what about the things in your work place that just totally are on another level? What, do you ask, are those things? Let me just tell you….

5) So have you ever been on the phone and the person on the other line is eating? And not just eating but shoveling their lunch because they have 15 minutes to eat and all you can hear is the chip crunching and pop slurping when they are supposed to be problem solving your password issue that you just spent 20 minutes on yourself. Ok, it’s a normal everyday sound and I totally get that but let’s talk about the person on the other line trying to eat ramen with chopsticks. Yes- the whole bowl of ramen has to be eaten at once because chop sticks don’t cut noodles – then the slurping and no – no -G-to the-ross

4) Pen Biting – Oh you know we have all done it but think about this for just a second. The pen that has been sitting on your coworker’s desk, that he accidentally snagged from the restaurant he just ate at because it “writes so well”. This pen that has been in the hands of numerous people at the restaurant that were eating hotwings (with their hands – likely licking the sauce off of their fingers – yes again we all do it), possibly going to the restroom while they are there and who know how many other horrible germs have passed onto that thing. The pen that is in your hand while you are surfing the web- falling into the Facebook wormhole- and then – and then – you don’t even realize it but you put the pen in you mouth. NOOOOO – and worse off you give it back to said coworker and don’t even realize you did it. Blah

3) The communal fridge – Now I will note that our particular office does not face this issue, however, I have been in the office world long enough to have experienced the moment when you open the door to get your lunch only to be overcome by the scent of something that just died. What is it you ask? That is the monumental question – No one can find the smell! That is, until about 6 months later when it gets to the point of no return and you find the yogurt that fell behind a drawer that has been there since 1999. – Yes sir!

2) Drinking coffee (or anything else for that matter) out of a cup you pulled from the dishwasher only to find out on your last almost empty cup sip that there is crusty leftover food funk stuck to the bottom. Oh no this is not happening right now. Who’s cup was this? What is the food? No – No – No – Instant vomit for sure. (and lets be serious this happens at home too – don’t act like it doesn’t)

1) Walking into the public bathroom stall after the person before you leaves – I mean really? The seat it warm. I can’t I just can’t. And if there is a smell – NOPE – Even if the person before you is a gorgeous super model and it smells like roses; there is just something about seeing the person that just used the bathroom before you. EYE CONTACT people – AWKWARD

I truly hoped you enjoyed the fact that I am clearly a borderline germaphobe and it is a miracle that I can function in the work place. I would love to here about your office experiences! What is the worst thing you have come across?? Comment below!

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Snow Report – Mad River Mountain

written by ashley marsh

Is anyone else completely stoked that it is like 19 degrees outside and snowing??? Well we are!!! Folks it is January 10th and we haven’t seen snow since, I believe, before Thanksgiving. It is time…

We posted on Facebook about Mad River Mountain today and we are so excited about that! We love to snowboard around there 🙂 Sitting in the office when I know I could be shredding actually hurts my heart at the moment.

I say shredding like I am good or something – hardly not but it is so much fun! – Let’s talk about Mad River Mountain for a bit.

Friday is a pretty awesome night to hit the slopes. Troy and I will grab the kids from school and head on up. The boys ski circles around us now and are actually getting to the point where they make fun of mom for “being too slow.” Which, mind you, is not fair considering they are like 3 ft from the ground but whatever.

Right now they have about half of their trails open, but, with snow in the forecast I would imagine more opening soon. They cater to everyone from beginners to experts and offer classes of all levels. They do have full rental services and kick a** new loft with food and beverage choices.

Mad River Mountain offers many events throughout the season and live music most weekends. If you are not a huge skier they also have the Avalanche Tub Park where you can sled on huge tubes. – Super Super Fun!

I totally recommend heading up there and checking it out. If you want to hit us up and schedule a time to go please do!!

Life with Bertha

written by ashley marsh

Today we are hitting the office! Let me introduce you to Bertha! She is a gem let me tell you. Bertha has been with us for a few years now. She has moved offices with us and been by our side everyday. She is truly a part of the team.

We have a love-hate relationship with Bertha. We love her because she provides us with materials we need to go on appointments, do research and complete closings. That is… when she decides to come to work.

Initially, we miss Bertha when she doesn’t want to come to work. When this happens, we sweet talk her and help her take a big deep breath and reset herself hoping she will change her mind. I am starting to believe that this actually makes Bertha angry with us. You see, when it gets to this point, Bertha starts to talk back to us and yell a bit. She won’t respond to our pleas or instructions. She gets into a dark place where she wants to be left alone. Sometimes she shuts down all communication with each of us entirely.

Normally at this point we would love to kick Bertha but we can’t. That would be cruel. We would love to give her away but she still has a contract so technically we cannot. Instead we yell obscenities and walk out the door.

Troy seems to be the only one that can get through to Bertha. When we explain to him that we are at the brink with her, he has a short talk with her and she normally starts to behave herself. I think she is starting to take a liking to Ryan as well so maybe one of these days the rest of us will be on the same page as her.

Until then BERTHA THE PRINTER; We will co-habitate!

We would love you to comment below if you all have a Bertha in your work place. Do you love Bertha? Do you have the same issues with Bertha as we do?


Topic Tuesday

Today’s Topic: How long do you keep your Christmas Tree up? (Written By – Ashley Marsh)

Hello Hello!

So this is a tricky one. I personally am a neat freak and I need that tree gone asap. The trouble…I have to actually put it away! I am the person that wants that tree up a week before Thanksgiving (I would like to note that this a point of contention in our home as Mr. Troy does not agree and he has successfully talked our boys into siding with him – but I digress)

The Christmas Tree is a a symbol of joy and happiness. I love the lights and reminiscing over each ornament as we put it up is a wonderful family tradition. That is until Christmas if over and I have to keep looking at the needles all over the floor (umm I still don’t get this as our tree is fake) the tiny bits of paper that just keep reappearing underneath the tree and the complete and utter anxiety I get over all the knick-knacks everywhere. Let me just add that I am the one that bought the knick-knacks and I am the one that puts them out every…single…year.

Ok so now I am ready to put it all away. (cue the dramatic insta story I posted last week) Sigh – Argh – OMG! After the intial drama it takes about an hour to get it all tucked away for the year and then comes the OHMMM

Clean – Decluttered – Fresh Start to the New Year!!!!

Ok now that you all know my personal process; I would love to hear when you all put your tree away and why. How many trees do you have? When do you put them up? And…Go!

Have a great Day!!


Hello Hello!

We are a Top Producing Real Estate Team in Columbus Ohio (CBus going forward) and here we are!! We are going to give you all everything from market updates to all the fun local restaurants and places to check out in our awesome town!

Our Team consists of 5 agents (Troy, Robert, Sarah, Jessica and Austin) and 3 awesome Ops Staff( Jillian, Monica (both also licensed) and Ashley. We have worked together for many years and totally love what we do. We also realized that we love CBus and love to talk about all of our favorite places. We hope you get to know all of us throughout this journey!

This is our first blog post so if there is anything you have questions about or would love to talk about in the future please comment! We are so excited to meet you all and learn all about your favorite CBus spots 🙂